Flourless, Sugar-Free Super Energy Cookies: A Nutrient-Packed Delight


170g (6 oz) Dates – Dates are a natural source of sweetness packed with fiber, antioxidants, and essential nutrients. They help bind the ingredients together while adding moisture and flavor.
Cold Water – Used to soak and soften the dates for easier blending.
50g (1.8 oz) Roasted Cashews – Cashews provide healthy fats and a creamy texture that complements the sweetness of the dates.
50g (1.8 oz) Almonds – Almonds are high in vitamin E, magnesium, and fiber. Their crunch adds a satisfying texture.
25g (0.9 oz) Walnuts – Walnuts are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, making these cookies heart-healthy and brain-boosting.
50g (1.8 oz) Pine Nuts – These tiny nuts offer a buttery flavor and are rich in essential fatty acids.
25g (0.9 oz) Pumpkin Seeds – Pumpkin seeds are a great source of protein, fiber, and minerals like magnesium and zinc.
25g (0.9 oz) Sunflower Seeds – Rich in vitamin E and selenium, sunflower seeds add both nutrition and crunch.
35ml (1.2 fl oz) Honey – Honey is the natural sweetener that adds a touch of moisture and richness to the cookies.
Zest of One Orange – The zest provides a citrusy burst of flavor that brightens up the cookie mix and balances the richness of the nuts.
Step-by-Step Guide