Easy Sausage Cream Cheese Crescent Rolls


  • Start by heating your oven to a toasty 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Lay a piece of parchment paper over your baking sheet, setting the stage for culinary magic.
  • In a spacious mixing bowl, toss together your crumbled sausage, velvety cream cheese, and that handful of piquant cheddar cheese. Blend until you achieve a harmonious filling.
  • Gently unfurl your crescent roll dough on a flat surface. Pry apart the triangles. For added bite, slice each of these triangles longitudinally, endowing you with two narrower triangles.
  • Place a spoonful—about a tablespoon—of your sumptuous sausage medley on the broader end of each dough triangle.
  • With an eager flick of the wrist, roll the dough from the filled end toward the tapering tip. Place these soon-to-be delights onto your prepared baking sheet.
  • Commit them to the oven’s embrace for a period of about 15 minutes, or at least until they’ve reached a glistening golden brown hue.
  • Extricate them from the oven. Allow a brief pause for admiration. Serve forthwith, and witness them vanish!