Baked chicken drumsticks with mushrooms and vegetables


Part of the potato cut into circles and put in a mold greased with olive oil; salt, pepper and lightly grease the top with oil
Cut Brussels sprouts into quarters, champignons as well, quarter, onions into thin half rings, and the remaining potatoes into cubes; put everything in a saucepan, salt and pepper, add dry thyme, olive oil and mix well
Wash, dry and marinate the chicken in olive oil with salt, pepper and thyme.
Put the vegetable mixture into the mold. Put chicken drumsticks on top, cover with foil and bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 30-40 minutes, then remove the foil and brown under the grill.
That's why I love such simple culinary recipes, so it is for maximum taste with minimal cooking! There is chicken and side dish, everything is cooked at the same time.
I served grainy mustard to my legs, and my husband also seasoned the vegetables with non-sour cream.