What is the best time to eat fruits? Should we eat them before or after meals, before bed, or on an empty stomach? How frequently should we include them in our diet?


Pros: A small portion of fruit before bed can be a healthy snack, especially if you're craving something sweet. Fruits like bananas contain magnesium and potassium, which may help relax muscles and promote sleep.
Cons: Eating too much fruit right before bed could lead to a spike in blood sugar, which might interfere with sleep for some people, especially if the fruit is high in sugar.
4. Eating Fruits on an Empty Stomach:
Pros: This is often recommended because your body can absorb the nutrients from the fruit more efficiently. It's also less likely to interfere with the digestion of other foods.
Cons: As mentioned earlier, it may cause digestive issues in some people.
5. Frequency of Eating Fruits:
Daily Intake: It’s generally recommended to eat at least 2-4 servings of fruit per day. This ensures you get a good variety of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
Variety: Try to include a variety of fruits to benefit from different nutrients and avoid overconsumption of fruit sugars (fructose).
General Tips: