Tried my hand at sourdough sandwich bread


My god it’s perfect! Softest bread I’ve ever had… Here’s the recipe I used!
400 grams of bread flour
200 grams of water
100 grams of active starter
20 grams of local raw honey
20 grams of olive oil
8 grams of salt
•Combine everything in a bowl and knead until a soft, smooth dough forms.
•Cover and let it rest for 1hr
•1 set of stretch and fold, rest 1 hour. (Do this 2 times)
•Stretch the dough out on the counter to form a rectangle.
•Roll up the dough so it forms a cylinder and place it in a greased bread pan.
•cover with Saran Wrap.
•Let it double in size on your counter
•Once doubled, place in fridge for a few hours.
•Preheat oven to 375° F. Bake for 40 minutes, top should be a soft golden brown.
•Butter the top and let cool before slicing.