Homemade HE Laundry Soap


1.Grate the Bar Soap: Use a food processor to grate the soap for faster results.

2.Process the Method Fragrance Boosters: If using, chop them finely in the food processor with the grated soap.

3.Combine Dry Ingredients: Mix 4 pounds of Borax, 3 pounds of washing soda, 3.5 pounds of baking soda, and the chopped soap and fragrance boosters.

4.Mix Thoroughly: Ensure all dry ingredients are mixed well.

5. Store the Detergent: Transfer the mixture to a storage container or jar.

6.Usage Instructions: Use 1 tablespoon for HE machines, and up to 2 tablespoons for top-loading machines. 7. Add essential oil for scent if desired.