Embrace the simplicity and beauty of soil-free gardening by growing herbs in water, an ideal method for indoor environments. Here’s how to create your own hydroponic herb garden:
Starting with Herb Cuttings
- Choosing Cuttings: Select young, supple twigs from a healthy, mature herb plant. Opt for 15 cm long cuttings, removing lower leaves to stimulate root growth and prevent mold in the water.
- Setting Up the Container: Use a transparent container, such as a glass jar or a plastic bottle. Cover the root area with paper or fabric to protect the roots from light and discourage algae growth. Ensure the container’s opening supports the twig without hindering root expansion.
- Maintaining Water: Initially, change the water weekly. Once roots develop, typically within 2 to 6 weeks, you can reduce water changes.
Six Herbs Perfect for Water Growth
- Rosemary: Young rosemary twigs root quickly. Place them in a sunny spot for optimal growth.
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